
Why *not* have high clock speeds in phones? If we can get the batteries to hold sufficient juice, there's no reason not to make them little hand held super computers. I don't know what you'd use it for... but the uses will become apparent when the technology exists. When I bought a computer in 1998, the sales guy

I was about to ask if you'd done this on your phone. Seems you know what you're talking about, but hot-damn, typo city. ;)

Yeah. Reasons. Because of reasons.

True enough. But let's not forget to caveat that "GAS POWERED" just isn't going to be sustainable over the long-term (we're going to run out, and the emissions are still a problem even if one is a climate change denialist) so anything we can do to change people's mindsets and at least get them thinking about

Whew. Glad you got that out of your system. Feel better now?

Just an honest appraisal of the situation. Maybe you're right, but probably you're not.

He's not doing things differently because he wants to, he's doing things differently to make a flimsy statement about "society," the fucking hipster, and his free speech to do so does not abridge our free speech to ridicule him for it mercilessly.

No. That was just Tumblrs. The new layout is available for preview over on Jalopnik. It's not the same thing at all. I think it's really good, actually.

Right? Deck chairs on the Titanic. It's a nice revamp... but it doesn't add functionality many of us have been begging for for years. Facebook's ability to listen to their audience, thusfar, has gotten us to the point where site updates aren't annoying... but they're still not doing the stuff we really want them to do.

Heh... a connection... I see what you did there.

Women can't be creepy? That's news to me. Try being a young cute(-ish) gay guy at a gay bar in a major metropolitan area and having drunk, entitled straight chicks come grab your junk like it's a petting zoo or a strip club and you're there for their entertainment. This is the real life equivalent of straight chicks

I must admit I would've expected Gawker to send someone down with a camera to match the angles and get the right shot instead of just grabbing something off Google Earth right quick. It's not like they don't have easy access to Union Square from their offices, which are like, a mile away.

This has got to be an east coast thing. I can't imagine that happening in sunny Seattle. Then again, the men here are all either gay or eunuchs, so maybe that's what's up.

Thousands of times a second? What kind of engine are you running?

Right? Warmed over 7-Series. Totally.

No lie, Robbiecda. No lie.

Cite your source.

"Some of the views expressed by Keshe are irreconcilable with a wide array of facts established by modern science, in particular his model of the neutron certainly appears to squarely contradict the known data." — Wikipedia

With you til the end, there. The purse is named after a human being. These are all people's names.

You know... I don't think it's about the car for him. Some people are in love with the creative process. The end result is... y'know... whatever. When you've got the resources to keep throwing at the thing... you just sort of keep modifying and keep modifying and keep modifying.