its boring how all non asians hope for non asians to win lol
its boring how all non asians hope for non asians to win lol
for fucks sake. this is ridiculous
well i mean its so usual to see people rooting for any non asian teams was wondering if that was the case lol
lol i guess you dont like asians?
“Some advice: If you see a video game Kickstarter asking for less than, oh, say, $200,000 (aka: a year’s salary for four people working at below-average rates)“
again, seems like you hardly participate in the forums.
are you actually subscribed to any forums? have you actually helped anyone? if so please link a thread where you did
half empty kinda guy
never made any tickets because i know my way around PCs and i also know that if i cant get a game to run, theres little valve can do about it. but thats not the case for most people. game doesnt work -> ticket
well i dont know if valve is valve “small potatoes” since it has like 20 million users but the fact that matters i think is that normally you dont need help with most products as theyre quite simple and straightforward. PCs arent like that at all though so more than an issue with numbers its an “issue” with how…
i think they add to the game if done right. adding story related achievements feels silly and immersion breaking but stuff like beating an entire game on S ranking feels perfectly fine to reward an achievement IMO
i dont think many other companies get close as many support tickets as valve. i mean they deal with million of customers on a platform thats quite complex by itself (PCs).
IMO theyre still trying to figure out how to let other users do the support for them
what other platform comes even close to steam? yea their support sucks ass but the platform itself has no competition atm
eh no offense but buying early access is basically a gamble.
why is it a “mess of a store”? my only complaint is that i cant filter out early access games from the “all new releases” tab :/
steam reviews ftw
i dont play MOBAs but dota has like 100 heroes and everyones waiting for a new patch to release one more? i never even cared for new classes in WoW and theres only like 10 of them lol
its a matter of %, raw numbers shouldnt matter
lol yea i doubt i ever will, my backlog is huge enough as it is. but as you said, its pretty awesome to look for stuff that hardly anyone uses and even better, to beat them with it :))