yea the event is popular in both countries (and maybe some others in south-east asia) but that picture is from korea yea
yea the event is popular in both countries (and maybe some others in south-east asia) but that picture is from korea yea
im still waiting for this one to hit steam :(
cuz theres nothing like it on the market? cuz its not a "kill hundreds of dudes but dont feel guilty cuz they were bad guys anyways"?
nah i love to play all kind of games. actually violent games i normally dont care for (more of an indie guy). that is "violent" games that arent really violent. like CoD, BF, or most games where you kill hundreds but somehow its okay because youre fighting for a "worthy" cause so that makes it okay. the fact that you…
i have no idea of what any of that is
yea sure but its a bit hit in the nuts for the creators of the game (not being able to be on steam i mean)
what reason? AFAIK they only remove pornographic / racist stuff (according to what it says at least)
that "tool" says it will only discard pornographic / racist stuff.
whats the point of greenlight again? i mean if valve can come and just discard stuff without any reason
i am interested and so are many people i know :)
thats in korea though :p
omg tougher difficulties?? i hope this update comes to PC as well :(
that and the "please dont turn off the system while the game its saving". i mean srsly? lol
i think thats obvious. no system has every game but the PC is the system with most games by a LONG shot and it doesnt suffer from the backwards compatibility thing consoles do (and theres also emus that help play some other games)
just ignore it :D
ouch thats terrible
well its a start. hopefully they add it if enough interest in the game is shown.
o0 this is pretty great. my only complaint about the game is the AI though but this is awesome none the less
took you long enough :p
"The West is definitely catching up to Korea not just in terms of gameplay skills.."