
i still dont get the point of early access unless you love testing games and finding bugs. theres so many finished games out there why get one thats still not released? seems silly. even if youre a massive fan of the game youre kind of spoiling yourself the experience

except dayz has been comfortably sitting in the top 1-3 most sold games on steam for months now lol

lol but how did he miss it though. seems kinda bugged

tldr: nothing

i normally hate action animes / movies / whathaveyou. its just too unrealistic and it kills off any immersion i might have felt while watching it. they like to focus too much on physical fighting and lets be honest, we as humans didnt get to where we are due to hitting stuff with our fists and kicks. but i guess

yes obviously. but the build can easily be looked online

theyre not aiming at targets with this. drones and mortar shells move a little bit too fast for us humans to be aiming manually at them

youre probably making a joke but as others have said, i doubt anyones gonna be manually aiming this. air targets move a little bit faster than the enemies of the average game :p

the "difficulty" on these kinda games when so much is based (everything?) on gear is kinda meh

the disbelief scenes like the ones in the gifs give me is so great that it keeps me from enjoying most action movies unless theyre very well done. it just seems extremely silly unless the character is someone like dante (from DMC) that can get headshotted and still be fine

yes obviously one has to know where the right place and time is for said joke but to you (unless you have secondary intentions) its still a joke unless you meant for it cause harm

well just like most things its a subjective matter. if the teller thinks a joke then i guess it is

im not even into consoles but the PS4 has a LOT more japanese games so why would you get an xbox one especially when it looks worse?

exactly. a joke is a joke if you cant take it then its your issue. however i agree that its probably way too improper in a work place lol

im certainly one to be immersed in games but diablo 3? it just felt more of an action thingy rather than a world to get immersed in.

blame consoles with their limited input options.

funny as i went to hinterlands just 2 days ago. had to kill about 200 mobs to get the beacon chicken starting quest thingy :p

i doubt its anything to do with its age. i mean what would you have them do anyways?

well its a nice job if you think about it. stress free and risk free

completely agreed. this is a scenario that will most likely play in real life but people are "offended" by it. only they know why though