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    As a cyclist, i have insurance. It is provided by my employer and meets the requirements laid out in the affordable care act. Any damage i may cause to your car i can write a check to cover unless you happen to have one of those wicked expensive porsche paint jobs, then i would have to put it on my credit card.

    Three hundred large base? CP from me. Still a nice looking ride, but at that price, still CP.

    it can strike at any time. A bud of mine worked at Papa John's and lived off their terrible pizza. After a couple of years suddenly he got very very sick. Ended up in the hospital and almost died. The docs finally figured out it was celiac disease. He went gluten free, and hasn't had any trouble since. It's the

    1525...reserve not met. is very different than buying it for 1525. Sorry to be a buzzkill on an otherwise amusing little ditty.

    What's odd is I agree with you, but when I list stuff on CL, I go with the nonprofessional stab at humor. I get way more traction off the ad, and end up selling my stuff faster and for a better price. I usually try a serious ad first, and then after 2 weeks of no serious bites, switch to silly and it is sold in a

    I didn't notice the bitch pants, but I did notice it was running rich. Typical Harley owner...doesn't know how to dress, or properly maintain his bike.

    yes, but leaded gas smelled so good when I was a kid. Now gas smells terrible.

    you talking about cars or women? goes for either...

    it is much better looking than the current generation.

    CP. the dimensions are too outta whack. I'm OK with women being a bit too long in the front and a bit too short in the rear, but I ain't gonna stand for that in a truck. Style points for the conception, but CP in the execution.

    I've never seen "who cares" written more eloquently. +1

    yes, I am in Syracuse, NY and we see about 10 feet of snow per winter (unfortunately all that snows comes 4" at a time). All the recent buyers I know all wanted AWD. If folks weren't worried about snow and rain so much here they might go more on looks. They might but my wife all her friends haul preschool kids around

    people like us buy cars because of the driving characteristics—looks, road feel, all the stuff that makes driving an experience. I was thinking of all the people like my wife and her friends who've recently bought cars because they had AWD stickers on them (we live in upstate NY so the whole snow thing). If a car

    OR, BMW is trying to innovate and give consumers what they want. We all hear how AWD is supposed to be safer. Customers do research online see Audi has AWD, BMW does not so they buy an Audi. Now BMW is trying to stay competitive. Is the X4 a hideous vehicle? Sure is. Will people buy it because it is a raised up AWD

    Agreed. At 5k, it's on the high end of NP, but it would squeak a NP from me.

    You are more generous than I would be. I wouldn't pay more than 900 for it. A Shelby, on the other hand, would actually be something.

    can't beat that with a stick. Head and heart agree today: NP all the way. I have no terrifying 'vette stories, and a sleeper 'vette yesplease.

    this is an abomination against all that is good, true, pure, clean, and American. All that being said, NP because I have a troll in me this morning and it has comandeered my brain and making me do things that good, pure, true, clean Americans despise.

    It ends with the CVT. Can't get any more "gears" than that, amiright?

    My forebrain says CP, but my lizard brain (despite its cousin lining the floors) says NP.