
Leaving your blinker on when changing lanes, then realizing it's still on when you go to get off the highway. Makes me feel like an old man (I'm 24), but lets be honest, it happens every once in a while to everyone.

excellent! thanks!

Can some one post what it says under " The game"

My money is on Texas, with has been active in luring auto jobs to the state. They're also the only state with their own energy grid.


That was was ok, but I didn't think it was great. I also could have done without Feral. The animation was beautiful, but I feel it wasn't up to par with the other ones in terms of story.

Ummm....thank god it didn't win. I was rooting for Mr. Hublot. However, I couldn't believe that the honorable mention one with the paranoid bear wasn't nominated. Someone needs to post that on here.

Chevy runs too deep

I believe he's rubbing his stomach. Also, thank you jalopnik for posting this gif.

yeah I hate the blue oval too.

To me. i'll buy all of them.

Buy a C30 and a V50, swap the AWD into the former, tune it, and call it a day (month). A coat of that blue paint would be nice though.

I thought a set of tires for the Veyron was like $40k. Good luck with that.

I can't believe one of the rare pickup E30's is for sale! Nice Price!


This has absolutely nothing to do with this piece, but was anyone else's morning made when they woke up and saw on the news that Justin Bieber was arrested for street racing (as well as dui)?

Neutral: I'm assuming the ATS wagon will be affordable. Imagine having one of those next to a BRZ in your garage. mmmmmm!

they should just start selling the old ones again.

You know what? This will decimate all, after, you put about fifteen grand in it or more. If we have to, overnight parts from Japan.

add some glasses and a pink beanie and that's Meg Griffin.