
HOW CAN THIS NOT BE NUMBER 1. You heartless goddamn monster.


That whole cast is one giant friend-fest. Any one of them can pair off and the show is amazing. Losing Carter made me yell at my TV and then losing Shaw made me want to give up on the show but it’s just too damn good. The fact that the machine went through every single scenario possible and wouldn’t give up on losing

Even Reese and Finch. Reese’s freakout when Harold goes missing, along with his “he’s my only friend” sentiment.

This one. This is better than the Inside Out one, I think.
Because Baymax becomes a surrogate for Hiro’s brother.
And then Baymax sacrifices himself for Hiro.
Tears. So many tears.

Face Loran and Ton Phanan from the X-Wing: Wraith Squadron books. I don’t tend to cry at books very often but I’ll be damned if Phanan’s final note to Face in Iron Fist doesn’t make me tear up almost every damn time.