use Zune
use Zune
no sd card access? do you mean software-wise? because there's a micro-sd port under the tiny flap in the top left corner. also, within the next month or two bestbuy has said they're trying to match verizon 2yr contract pricing. also-also, you will soon be able to switch 4G-LTE cards in and out of that same micro-sd…
the article you linked to:
for those who will dismiss this out of the gate:
@ugar: double post fail = double promote win!
I'm pretty positive this is the windows 7 tablet the ASUStek pres. has been raving about, not the android tablet that everyone below seems to be wanting. Plus a win7 tablet would make more sense right now, until the next android release the android hype is played out so there's more money here.
@Lord_Data ∞: that is exactly what I was thinking xD
@salt_bagel: I was hoping someone else realized it was called Sartre!
@Boomdiggity!: in the video he explains that the environment inside the magnet freezer thingamajig is a vacuum.
@NinjaTaco: no, he actually gave some really constructive criticism and pointed out some specific problems that other sites such as Engadget have pointed out already.
@Cochese 2.0: I was going to ask, then when the guitar really came in I was like "hey! I know that!" so I went to they guys reddit cause I couldn't remember the band name xD
This might have just gotten me back into Godspeed You! Black Emperor.
@nahde: Considering these are the dolphin's children, that's "behavior modeling" which has a much stronger longevity and is harder to extinguish than classical conditioning generally.
@soldstatic: yeah assumptions like what they're saying here are rediclous. This effect can simply be dismissed to classical conditioning.
@Hvedhrungr: "Once the air was right for breeding, Dr John VandenBrooks and his team then successfully managed to breed dragonflies with wingspans of roughly 70cm"
@vinod1978: they are examining the tracheae of the insects and comparing them with current fossil data in hopes that we could have a more accurate perspective on the changes in earth's atmospheric oxygen levels (thought to cycle between 12-35%) and therefore understand climate change in a more concrete way.
That was so awesome xD
@c_cornelp: sorry for the miscommunication, I think I said th SPECS kick the iPad's ass. I never said the device did. Yes, I understand a full-fledged OS will be a burden on something with little more power than a netbook, but it's a step in the right direction. The iPad is a step backwards...
@johnnyabnormal: dude, I understand the first joke...and it may have been funny a second time if you new that Beelzebub is not another name for the Christian antigod but another biblical character entirely. Honestly though, three times is just indecent.