
There will also be a peer review led by Vox Media editorial director Lockhart Steele

The title is just a joke, right? We all understand that domestic sheep have been selectively bred over millennia in order to have way more wool than they would have had in nature...right?

There is no evidence here of folie a deux. Just of a distressed woman who may have wanted to die and a man who either aided or murdered her. Folie a deux is a much more rare and complex disorder, characterised by psychosis.

This passage is complete bullshit.

Would YOU wanna be the person who questioned the racial credentials of the new president of your NAACP chapter? How bad would you look if you were wrong? I think there was plenty of talk but no one wanted to be that person who asked her if she was really black.

Username checks out.

I don’t think most dudes avoid 4-ways because of “being naked in the same room as another dude” so much as it is “being naked in the same room as another dude who’s nailing my wife.”

I LOVE that I don’t let feminists dictate what turns me on as a guy. 160 doesn’t.

How about we just say that no matter what you weigh, you are free to want to lose weight for whatever reason or you are free to be like fuck yeah, I’m good just the way I am. I mean yeah, it’s refreshing to hear that (as someone who is super tall and weighs more than that as a result) but lets not hate on our 135

Yeah! How dare women who weigh less than you want to lose weight for whatever reason! They make me sick too.

That's not the issue. The issue is the way the dog is jerking him around while he's pointing a loaded weapon at and around people. There is no shortage of other officers with guns drawn. There's no reason for him to be pointing a gun when he can't hold his aim or footing.

Maybe it is sensible but seeing police vehicles with roof turrets is not a sign a free nation would be displaying.

Couldn't quite figure out those windshield wipers.

"Well, the short haired guys do drugs too, sure. And yes, the catcher has a catcher's mask on. But those are kind of the cornerstones of this crazy-ass pyramid I've built for myself here, and anyway I guess what I'm saying is can you get a short-haired, straight-laced, heterosexual caucasian to bring me a ladder?

Well OBVIOUSLY she wasn't talking about white players.

My roommate left her door open once and we heard her mother leaving her the nastiest message on her answering machine. Not as bad as the one this psycho left but it was still pretty bad. She told her that she was a lying whore and not welcome in her house anymore. If she tried to come home she was going to call the

As a child who has disowned her mother and never had a father, this voicemail is a disturbing reminder of my own mother's abuse over my entire life. Yes, mothers are this bad, and worse.

Daughter: Hi mom! I'm home!

"Oh, then there's Aunt Donna, THE DYKE. Who hangs around with a bunch of GAY PEOPLE."

@Fauxcused: He just looks... bewildered. MJF had a bit of "Jeepers! I'm in the fifties!" going on, but Stoltz looks like he's having a bad acid trip.