How about the latest linguistic cancer that is the abuse of the word “literally”?
How about the latest linguistic cancer that is the abuse of the word “literally”?
As do most new Audis and some Lamborghinis, Bentleys, Bugattis, Porsches, and VWs.
OK, first of all, what a douche.
This just goes to prove what I've been saying for years: kids need to be taught in school to avoid any stranger with an email address.
Early in my life, I had my share of service / restaurant jobs. I am very sensitive to this stuff, am a generous tipper, and shame colleagues/friends who are shitty tippers.
I agree. This is cool (and Feynman great), but "touches [my] freaking soul" is a bit much.
Thank you for saying what I was thinking.
Although that's not what she wrote; she wrote: “why, if someone is so conventionally attractive (and has a great personality to boot), would they need to turn to strangers on Facebook for a love connection instead of say, going to a bar?” [this language seems to imply Tracie believes a bar is where real, attractive,…
I actually had a similar experience a number of years ago while watching the moon rise over the Grand Canyon. For the first time in my life I felt like I was "seeing" (sensing?) the entire space/distance between my vantage point and the moon itself. It took a while to fade away, but luckily it did. It was quite…