
Hey, you think we’re so innocent? Who hasn’t poisoned their political opponents with polonium?

“highlighting little tweaks he has made after initially expecting he would have to pay for them himself”

^ This.

“Okay, sure, I punched you in the face, but I’m not still punching you in the face. So I stopped you getting more punches in the face. You should thank me.”

True. Though in order of preference, you have to take incompetent evil or competent evil, I guess. Mere incompetence is the actual high bar here.

Oh look, another day in which we get to consider whether our leaders are actually evil or merely incompetent. How unexpected.

That was my first thought. They won’t have people openly lying to their faces about whatever it is they’re asking, and they consider this a problem for their journalism?

I don’t think Bannon believes it, or half of the things on the site. I think he knows exactly what Brietbart is: a cross between nazi propaganda and Minitry of Truth style destruction of language.

Only 31% said the ban made it safer, but 49% agreed with it. A full 18% of people openly admitted to just wanting to make things harder for brown people.

“Wait, there is so much more. Like this: “Depp also paid over $3 million to blast from a specially-made cannon the ashes of author Hunter Thompson over Aspen, Colorado.” I can’t! Johnny! What are you doing?!”

True enough. He was willing to massage the language and claim it was original intent.

Maybe I’m jaded here, but I can’t build much ire. They’re both fairly moderate, with some relatively light religious leanings. I’m kind of surprised we’re not looking down the barrel of barely contained zealout on this one, or a convictionless yes man

I’m playing Hitman at the moment and while it has all this lovely violence to discover, the way you discover it involves waiting, following, trial and error. Pushing the status forward and following again. Waiting again. To do the fun thing you have to do a lot of the boring thing.

“just being hypocritical by copying their birther nonsense”

Ah god yeah, twice I’ve been fooled by that! It sounds delicious. I like pickles, I like plums, what could be better? /shudder

His nominee’s are all Scalia types - strict constitutionalists. Sure, they’ll use that to shield many of their abhorrent views, but at the same time, they stick to it rigidly. And this is very blatantly contrary to both the letter and spirit of the thing

“fermented soy beans”

haha, damn, with actual chicken bits! that is on the list for my next visit. I found a salted white bait ice cream in Kyoto (think vanilla ice cream with small dried salted fish in it. And then try not to), and a Whale ice cream in Tsukiji fish market, which was thankfully powder rather than lumps, and was

I think that dog speaks for all of us.