
You know there is a picture right at the top of this page that refutes your point, right?

This is the best plan. It reduces the amount of cheap labor that many american businesses, notably agriculture depend upon by increasing the cost of trade, notably for agricultural goods, so it can slow the economy whilst slowing the economy and increase the cost of food whilst increasing the cost of food. Dawg.

Only if you think about it. What are you, a communist?

“to complain that a long-proven liar had misled them”

We’ve gone: 0 days without Trump making the world worse.

If I remember correctly you get the cost of the thing back in credit, so you don’t lose money buying the actual button, making it just a slightly quicker way of ordering than typing it into amazon.

If I remember correctly you get the cost of the thing back in credit, so you don’t lose money buying the actual

“By golly, if they can’t handle the situation with the resources they have available, I swear I’ll give them additional resources.”

Yeah, he’s merely incompetent, which is apparently the high bar for the cabinet. He is not, for example actively opposed the existence of the department he’s been nominated to lead.

I choose to stand with the ignorant, the bigoted and the misled on the basis that people already see me that way and I’ll be damned if I’m going apply any kind of critical thinking to my own position.

Indeed. It’s a good graphic, but it’s more complex than a metric of his support. People used the same argument about his crowd sizes in the campaign meaning to suggest he would win by a landslide. (Hell, go to Brietbart, they still do. Reality doesn’t have much currency there.)

This. For all the shouting on the fringes and all the op eds about how we got here, vast numbers of people do not understand or care to understand what any of this means. It’s red team / blue team, and the red team had a better cheer.

Are you saying the result of the election can’t be reduced down to whatever thing annoys me most personally?

“They’ve made campaign promises of their own, and the impossibility of it all is about to bite them in the ass.”

“A new national pride stirs the American soul and inspires the American heart,” reads the proclamation. “We are one people, united by a common destiny and a shared purpose.”

I’m ignorant of the immediately obvious and proud of it.

There’s a petition on that site to have Clinton investigated for crimes against the US. It was a tentpole of his campaign. It had thousands cheering at his rallies. It has 184 signatures. Why is it that phis supporters don’t seem to care about any of the issues he was elected to address?

I remember reading that there are some congressional committees that can demand them, but they’re all currently held by republicans. Don’t know how true that is, but if it is I rather hope that’s a current priority for the dems.

That was painful to listen to. It was like a high school project to write a speech based on a book about the science of listener attention that they’d been forced to read.

He doesn’t care if stupid celebrities don’t come to his party. They’re stupid anyway. No, he wanted The People. Accept they didn’t come either, so I’m sure he didn’t mean The People after all. No, he wanted a small, humble affair. Cut costs, reduce the deficit something something.

Her job is to render words meaningless through gross misuse. This just seems a continuation of that, she’s just working on “fashion”. (Presumably so people find it harder to point to Trump’s ill fitting suits and ties).