I was really on board with you from reading the Headline, but I wasn’t really concerned with those things you mentioned in the article. I just think she is a bad voice actor and gave a very bland performance. I think that’s more of valid reason for her to not be in MK. Cause it pertains to the game. Not the history of…
“I have some quibbles with Rowling’s world building—how does magic work, exactly?”
Over the weekend, Donald Glover, aka Childish Gambino, dropped a video for a new song called “This Is America.” You…
True to form, in none of these videos does Harden stick around to play defense.
The recruiting notes say that he possesses game-breaking speed on the perimeter. I think it’s safe to assume he got that from his mother considering how fast she noped the fuck out of his announcement.
why did you click on something you’d rather not hear about? that’s odd
A child is the ultimate vanity project. Arrogance is imbued into the act.
If you think little Goku has it bad, wait until he names his next kid Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo.
Oooh I smell the beginning of a crime
The Philadelphia sports fan demographic is the absolute last place esports will find success.
You’re saying it’s enormous, but none of these images really give me a sense of scale for how big it is. Maybe it’s the camera perspective, but just looks normal sized to me.
I too would like to live in your dream world where console hackers don’t exist.
Your videos have generally been good, but I got put off by the annoying voice pitch that you do every other sentence & had to close the video. It actually ruined your liners :(
Despite being this year’s installment of what the Steam store description calls “the highest rated annual sports…
Personally, I think this is pretty great; fighting to push others from a floating platform is a common water game for all ages, and these fans pretty much substracted the sleazyness/sexism (revealing swimsuits, over the top fanservice) and made it into a fun, competitive water sport.*
Episode Gladio was so bad that this is surprisingly good.
I got just the thing for you. It’s called Mass Effect Andromeda from Bioware. XD
Just so we are all clear. Like what you want to like.