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    A channel filled with ignorance poor abused Florida. Why don’t you use some logic you’re not going to take guns out of the hands of the public and you’re a Fool If You Think You Are. Unless they send a liberal to get it. You want to know where the threats are communist liberals empower the social state take the power

    You need reported right away you are a fool

    So if we stand for the NRA we’re probably not going to get published. Because the hypocrite is someone that does the opposite of what he said he would do. The president made no argument of who he would support and he supported the NRA. Which I also support the NRA. But that doesn’t mean that I have no morals but the

    A hypocrite calling a hypocrite a hypocrite

    The NRA is a very good group of people. They help in many more ways than any liberal group of hypocrites. Very stupid for this idiot to say his words. I bet he would have said that to the Obama Beast. Because you would have actually made you all think that he cared. So sad that you know nothing about anything except

    When is this all going to stop. Why can’t girls open up their mouths when they are first done this way. Finding some way of technology to hold these men accountable they should be required to have a female and one male around a coach at all times just to keep this from happening sort of like a babysitter so they don’t

    I’m glad you have a nose that can smell such stuff. For it is mine believe that when you stir in it you’re just deliberately stirring up stink. Seems like the liberals have their nose stuck in it. Your nose out of the hippos butt or stay off the trail.

    Maybe you need to grow up

    I thought these people went to college I understood exactly what he was saying. Federal government takes a notion that they had the power to spy on anyone at anytime. Taking advantage of laws to overreach on the American people. They know who the enemies are the media should try to find better things to argue at.