
Shitty victim blaming is shitty. 

Tom Savini got to be so good at depicting dead and messed up bodies because he was in the Army and served during the Vietnam conflict. He’s said in interviews he just depicted the messed up stuff he saw. 

PTSD is caused by more than just war. It is brought about by traumatic stress. That could be caused by anything. Seeing a terrible car accident. Losing a friend. I suffered it myself after someone linked me to graphic video of a fire I had lost two friends because of. I saw both of them trapped in the flames and heard

The company behind the Mortal Kombat series has hundreds of employees and doesn’t just make the MK series. That means the odds are good at least some people have worked there after the last MK game was made and went to work there to make other kinds of games. Since you don’t always get to choose what games to work on

This guy’s an asshole. 

When I heard Peter passed away I felt like I’d lost a friend. It still hurts. I got to meet him a few times and he was always gracious. When I thanked him as Chewie for being a friend to me I could tell his appreciation was sincere. The man was a gentle soul and kind as could be. Chewie will always be my hero and

My grandmother is 102 and healthy as a horse. A really old horse that doesn’t take any shit. 

‘RP rules’

While My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic doesn’t go over Princess Luna’s time spent on the moon as punishment for attempting a coup (1,000 years!) it does feature an episode called, ‘Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep’ where she deals with her latent guilt over the suffering she caused others as Nightmare Moon. It

You’d be stupid to pay that much for that piece of garbage. 

Sounds like they’re ripping off Five Nights at Freddies. 

They covered ‘Instruments of Destruction’ by NRG and had NRG’s guitarist, Ernie Petrangelo show up in the comments. I took guitar lessons from Ernie back in the late 80's. :D

I love this so much. 

He was terrible. Hemsworth is only funny when he’s got a funny writer writing for him and Feig is a terrible writer. I loved Leslie and Kristen and thought Melissa was OK but the rest of the cast were struggling to come up with decent material. It was just a mess. I say that as someone who thought it was OK when I

The Bob Ross meme on the door made me smile. I love knowing Bob has become more rather than less popular, and that even as a meme he spreads positive vibes. I see people from all over the world enjoying his videos and saying how much he’s inspired them. Art bless Bob Ross. 

It’s way too smooth for PS1. Like Remytron_Prime said it looks more like something for PC. I’d put it closer to being around the 2000-2005 era. I would have gone with coding something that simulated a less powerful processor and glitched up the graphics some. 

Reminds me of our old ‘96 Mercury Villager. Got 210k miles out of it before we sold it to the scrapyard.

I slogged through part III then read Wizard and Glass and gave up for years until the final book came out. Then I read through every damn remaining book hoping he wasn’t going to finish them like I thought he would but of course he did. Without spoiling anything the ending is telegraphed all the way back in the first

I love seeing stuff like this. Especially when it’s been built mostly from memory. Exact replicas are great, too but LEGO seems to lend itself more to fuzzy nostalgia-fueled inaccuracies. It adds to the serious yet playful charm the LEGO games are masters of. Serious kudo’s to not only this modder but to the folks

Helpful hint-Never, ever assume someones gender.