
While I don’t think Em has ever been a ‘bad’ rapper I do think all this rap beef stuff is silly. You can be musical and creative without taking childish shots at one another. Plus it’s all toxic masculinity and corporate-driven BS. There are so many awesome hip-hop artists who rise above that kind of stuff (at least

I like Em and think this article is silly but shaming people for being virgins is so 1950's. It just makes you look immature. 

Y’know-there’s a huge difference between just not being into his non-parodies, and going out of your way to trash the guy because omg he decides after 30 years of giving you parodies he wants to do his own thing. Tbh I’d rather people like you not show up if all you’re going to do is be miserable and gripe about how

If you’re a Steely Dan fan you should know they’ve never been a pop band or into selling out. Donald’s solo tours are so Donald can do his own thing. If you’re not there to respect the musician stay home.

Not a Weird Al fan, huh? Because if you were you’d know just how amazing his original songs are. In fact most of his original stuff is BETTER than the stuff he parodies. You’re really missing out.

I don’t know anyone that refers to Al as ‘the Eat It guy’.

She ain’t gonna let them poison H E R. She threw it on the G R O U N D. They must think she’s a J O K E. She’s not gonna be part of their S Y S T E M.

Being from Poland is cool. Thinking a game’s supposed to be Slavic Poles only is not only racist you’re forgetting the fact that Poland has many different ethnic groups making up its cultural background. It’s kind of terrible that anyone from Poland would try to engender discrimination given the ethnic cleansing your

I doubt many will outright hate this game but some will really love it while the rest will think it charming but a little too annoying to stick with. I fall into the latter category. I appreciate the Choose Your Own Adventure concept but the execution-tedious combat, unnecessary flow-killing crafting and the knowledge

What’s not going to help is judgmental people basically implying no matter what he does he’s deserving of hate. What’s the point of even trying to be a better person if nobody’s going to give you a chance?

Soulless is a great way of putting it. It perfectly describes every Far Cry ever, really.

Far Cry 4 is way better. This games a huge step down.

I uninstalled it about 25% of the way in. Terrible AI, forced story, terrible voice acting and reduction in features present in previous games that made Far Cry 3 & 4 tolerable either lessened or removed entirely. It made me feel this game wasn’t worth having paid for. That and the map editor is missing everything

Stopping a conversation because you’ve run out of energy is a more than legitimate reason if you’re an introvert.

Far Lara 3.

Melt it for scrap.

Physicians and scientists who looked over Nazi research quickly pointed out that due to the lack of unbiased ‘researchers’, non-consensual subjects, deplorable lab conditions and lack of any kind of proper procedures absolutely nothing the Nazi’s did was useful or ethical. It was torture plain and simple. Even if any

A company that has built their entire name by making a game series themed around theft and people are surprised they’re stealing songs?

Your clothing has far more bacteria on it than your hair dryer does.

I don’t want a rich friend to buy me stuff. I just wish I had money at all. :/