Roger is still very much buff. Brolga found medication that helps him with his arthritis. That said he’s slowed down a bit and is no longer alpha. He’s got a few years left in him at least.
Roger is still very much buff. Brolga found medication that helps him with his arthritis. That said he’s slowed down a bit and is no longer alpha. He’s got a few years left in him at least.
That doesn’t excuse it. It just enables douchebaggery plus it perpetuates a lot of negative stereotypes about people from inner city areas.
Can people please stop perpetuating this ‘real men don’t cry’ bullshit? Toxic masculinity is sucks.
Horrible stereotype but adorable character.
Ghostbusters 2 was better than Ghostbusters.
People are losing their jobs. Not the time or place and doesn’t even make sense.
This is speculation but Torchlight II took longer to develop due to a lot of programming issues. Then after it shipped they lost some key people right as they were working on a project. It forced them to restructure and start fresh which led to Hob. Unfortunately this meant they didn’t release a game for five years.…
I’ve been a part of the Runic Games community since October of 2009. That’s eight years of my life during which I’ve had the good fortune of getting to know some of the devs, make a lot of friends in the community and even get to be part of making Torchlight II. Some of the items in that game have my OC’s name on them.
Fuck Perfect World. I’m never buying one of their products again. The peopel at Runic have been through so much and have worked so fucking hard and brought us a bunch of great games. Hob was amazing. This is so fucking unfair.
I remember way back when Second Life was taking a lot of heat because of its virtual sexual content. Especially when people started introducing virtual sex games with barely-legal-age-appearing characters they called some type of elf to make like they weren’t supposed to be loli’s. The internet’s been the wild west…
There’s a difference between rational counterpoint, and being a shitty edgelord regurgitating dumb memes that serve no purpose other than to mock and demean people. Personally I don’t know anyone who considers themselves ‘anti-sjw’ who isn’t an asshole just trying to defend their ability to treat people like shit. Why…
Go with D:OS2. It’s an amazing game (I’ve even seen some of the Runic devs playing it on Steam now and then). Hob will be there when you get finished with it.
They released physical copies of Torchlight in the US, Germany and Russia. Torchlight II’s physical release was limited to Germany and Russia. The reason it released over there while not in the US is due to German and Russian laws that require a physical copy. The US has no such law. The fact is physical releases add…
They released physical copies of Torchlight in the US, Germany and Russia. Torchlight II’s physical release was limited to Germany and Russia. The reason it released on disc overseas and digital-only in the US is due to German and Russian laws that require a physical copy. The US has no such law. The fact is physical…
That’s really petty of you. We’re talking about people losing their fucking jobs.
Yeah but Overwatch came out around the same time as they started talking about it and since the game isn’t as impressive design-wise and is single player people felt their money was better spent on Blizzard’s game.
Co-op was the best thing about SR2, 3 & 4.
Uh, yeah.
Pretty sure you’re a dick.
Condescending much?