It’s called you lack reading comprehension and the ability to understand metaphor.
It’s called you lack reading comprehension and the ability to understand metaphor.
Blood is 90% water. It’s about the same concentration as a fully saturated salt water solution so no. It’s not. That and you’re nitpicking and missing the point of the way they’re using the metaphor.
Just because someone raises you doesn’t mean you’re required to put up with their hateful ideology. If you raise a kid and turn out to be a hateful person you don’t deserve anyone’s appreciation never mind theirs.
He sounds like someone Roger Corman would dig.
IDW has decent writers and artists. I’m looking forward to seeing what they do with it.
Not everyone who eats ice cream is fat, you knob. Also-fat shaming isn’t cool.
Talk to neighbors? Before my partner and I bought a house we talked to the people who owned it, their neighbors, the real estate agent and researched online to find out what the neighborhood was like. There are a bunch of websites online for that specific purpose. If you’re planning on spending an extended amount of…
If you move into a place where loud music or ice cream trucks are common and accepted you have no right to expect the neighborhood to change for your benefit. There are plenty of places outside a loud city to move to. Don’t like the noise find a place outside the city and commute.
I don’t get why you care? I mean it doesn’t affect you personally so why?
The picture of your Jeep by itself in front of that tall rock is epic. Jeep deserves a role in the next Pixar sequel.
I love the Pinkie Pie & Pumpkin Spice controllers. :)
What does it matter? Either way it takes the same amount of skill. All digital does is streamline creation. It doesn’t paint it for you.
Safest bet-never assume gender.
I like that there’s games out there like Tails of Equestria that are set up for young people of any gender. That way adults can game with their kids and the kids won’t be getting in over their heads.
Look up Jennell Jaquays, too!
Roger’s a good egg. Proud to call him a good friend, too.
Great article. Needs more Jennell Jaquays tho.
I’ve spent quite a bit of time in Second Life since I first signed up for it in 2007 and have spent well over $4k USD in it since then. For that reason alone if I can’t bring my inventory over I’m not interested. No way I’m ditching my investment. I still log in every now and then and am too fond of my avatar to ever…