
The majority of people I’ve met in Second Life were there to explore and create things. Sure-there are a lot of people who go there to explore mature things and there are messed up people there. too. It’s a virtual world populated by a huge cross-section of people and cultures. You make it sound like you’ve explored

I am so lost.

That was painful...and I’m usually they type of fellow to be supportive of anthropomorphic characters but that advertising is trying way too hard.

Uh because Ps1's and old games cost a fortune on the collectors market? Because most of the work emulating these consoles on PC has been done already which means all they’d need to do is hire people from the emulator community? Does it really cost that much to develop their own? There are tons of reasons for them to

Minecraft looks like it came out in 1995 yet over 100 million people play it. It’s not even a ‘game’ per se. It’s playing with building blocks. You just happen to be able to fight some stuff, too.

It’s not like the creators can’t change it. If they’re going to continue writing it as ‘Blame!’ instead of altering it people are going to know it as that. It’s unfair to expect people to know that stuff.

And yet still nothing even resembling an actual kangaroo. -_-

Snake over at Snakebyte studios has a few mods for D2 that add a bit more depth to gameplay without it being a total overhaul like Median. If anyone is interested in qol improvements like better leveling, a bigger inventory and not having to go looking for your corpse every time you die check out Snake’s site. http://w

No, and I was so looking forward to all the demon summoning’s and all night sex rituals. The only thing I’ve been able to resurrect so far is my interest in art, writing and music. Oh, well.

It’s pretty obvious this is a fake game given the graphics are way too good for the ps1. Plus that loading screen took barely any time at all.

It’s usually good practice to ask permission before you take photo’s and take note of the names of the cosplayers so you can give proper credit. Really wish people did this.

If he was doing any rolling it would have started back when the Harvard Lampoon published ‘Bored of the Rings’ and Robert Plant penned Misty Mountain Hop.


Uh. Kinda creepy, Alex.

It’s like some of these people have never heard of bards.

They asked him, shithead.

Kinda funny how much ESO looks like Lord of the Rings Online. Especially the housing update. I swear my partner bought a place just like that for their dwarf.

Knowing she’s helping inspire Space-X makes me happy. :)
