Oh, you.
Oh, you.
I’m sorry you’re such a miserable person.
He hasn’t made THAT much money. Sheesh. Plus Toby doesn’t seem to have an ego like that.
Hopefully nothing serious.
I’m sorry you and others are getting that impression. There are a lot of great people in the fandom but like most fandoms it has its share of obnoxious assholes. It’s sad, really since being unkind to others is very much the opposite of what the game was meant to teach people.
Erich went with Travis Baldree and formed Double Damage Games. They made the fantastic Rebel Galaxy. Check it out.
No it’s still pretty much the best arpg out there.
Great voice actors. Dated graphics and a cringeworthy storyline. Ugh.
Does it have online play? It would be silly if it doesn’t.
Try installing a vehicle mod in Fallout:New Vegas or a ridable dragon mod in Skyrim and you’ll see how many issues their engine has handling that stuff. Dragons and Vertibirds have VERY simple pathing because anything more complex would cause performance issues.
It wasn’t -that- bad. Sheesh.
...a month off of work to play a game? What the heck kind of job do you work that lets you take a whole month off?
Saying it takes away from the effectiveness of the outfit is one thing. Calling it gross and saying a bunch of shamey bs demeans the person wearing it and just makes they and those into wearing stuff like that self-conscious. Maybe next time catch a hint and keep it to yourself.
Despite the fact there’s some crossover, bronies =/= furries. That and this isn’t a brony or a furry thing (though some or all of them may be bronies). This is a cosplay thing. These particular cosplayers cover a wide variety of shows & movies.
Got some really bad news-so did David Bowie and Alan Rickman.
People don’t even need demo’s anymore. With Valve’s return within two hours for any reason policy EVERY game IS a demo, pretty much.
My condolences, dude. I hope you and your family are surrounded by compassion and love.
My condolences.
This post is awesome. Thank you.
I know it’s been awhile but that is an awesomely unselfish attitude you’ve got there.