

Some of the songs in the soundtrack are from Dark Country II

No it’s because he’s a total dick to people.

I like it.

Wow. Ain’t you classy?

So are people going to wait until Joan & Co. have their day in court or whatever or is everyone just going to assume they’re innocent before their proven guilty, condemn them and then ask them to be strung up? Because I see a lot of those comments and it’s kinda disgusting how quick people are to jump on the burn them

Uh..were you there?

I wish your wife the best. One of my partners deals with the same so I’m right there with you.

You show an extreme lack of tact. You might want to try not being such a douche.

Is Billy aware of how the internet works?

This is what I was trying to tell them they needed to do in wildstar.It made zero sense to me to not have flying vehicles in a freaking sci-fi space game. Make people explore then once they’re done exploring give them the ability to zoom around.

You would.

what’s interesting is you’d think that I as a furry and long-time Max fan would see more of this but nope. Guess I’m one of the few willing to be so obvious :/.

It’s meant to be a joke.

My Little Roo-ny:Flexship is Magic

Total Biscuit a pompous ass? Indie developers behaving immaturily?

I dunno...that little cars kinda sexy.

Getting kind of old now :P

When I was growing up my adoptive aunt and I used to watch a lot of movies together. It was she who got me into Star Trek and Indiana Jones and Star Wars. She loved harlequin romances and would get me to read them to her. We also went antiquing and took trips to Broadway to see musicals like Phantom of the Opera. I