
Boldy go where no van has gone before!

Checkmate, atheists!

Someone needs to create a cirriculum for teaching kids about racism and donate it to schools for free. I don’t understand why we’re letting underpaid people who have likely never studied this stuff teach kids lessons on it.

Hi, I don’t make it over to these waters much, but I just wanted to say that the your title of “Space Writer” is fucking badass.


He decided not to blow up millions of Americans, including me. So yeah.

Yes, and he chose not to launch missiles at America. That makes him a hero in my American book.

What I’m hearing is, we don’t have a Stanislav Petrov to save us anymore. 

Real American hero.

Without pay. Suspended with extreme predjudice it sounds like.

Counterpoint: the dog is his wife.

Really? It makes me feel really fucking old and out of touch.

this girl makes me so glad i’m an adult & don’t have to pay any attention to her.

Nicks makes a goddamned compelling argument for his film.

I’m very interested in seeing this. As the son of two law enforcement officers (and a military household), I have a tendency to be biased in favor of certain authoritative institutions—but I’m also as white as the driven snow, so I know my interaction with the

You bastard. Take your star.

I mean, think about it - when was the last time a female student was kicked off her school’s football team for commiting rape?

Sucks when someone fucks you non-consensually, doesn’t it?