
There is a difference: there are actually good Windows versions. There are no good Android versions.

I would feel sympathy for you, but I can’t hear you over the streaming movies I constantly have playing on my grandfathered-in unlimited AT&T data plan.

It’s almost as if GIVING AWAY an OS so that it becomes the most ubiquitous was part of some sort of plan...

Windows 10 runs of everything from internet of things devices to giant wall surface things. And phones and tablets and game consoles and thefutureisnow faceputers oh my...

First of all, Android devices will ultimately be far more diverse than desktop PCs. They might one day be part of urban infrastructure, as well as your car and your smartphone.

This is not something we should believe, but it’s something we should worry about. Pegg is right that movies like Star Wars (and Jaws and Indie) were important during the 1970s-80s transition from movies with downtown premieres to the suburban multiplex. Sure, you can’t blame a single film for the shift toward

Sounds like a “plan”.

I immediately see one problem with this chart...all version of Linux and OS X are rolled up into single line items, where as Windows is broken out.

If you believe that graph, I have a bridge to sell ya too.

Gatekeeper’s been around for a while now. If it really is so easy to defeat, why haven’t we heard reports of users with problems caused by the lax security?

If you have the user name and password you can bypass anything. it’s all so trivial.

“If I can find an apple-approved app and get it to load external content...”... If you find such an app, then you have a point, until then, just shut your piehole :) Then again, if you work for a firm that makes a living selling security features, you need the population afraid of threats, wether they are real or

... said no one, ever.


Why anyone would get this over the pro at this price point is beyond me. Maybe its because I’m young and wouldn’t notice an extra pound in my bag. 1300 on a laptop with that can only handle light browsing seems silly. Just get an air if thats all you want. I say this as someone with a 15” rmbp, so no I’m not a hater.

Wait, Jalops don’t want RWD? Can you find a 240sx that hasn’t been abused on the used market? Supra? Don’t people endure multiple engine replacements just to enjoy RX7s and RX8s? Isn’t the answer to everything Miata?

JimZ, you did it again, you managed to write the most nonsensical string of comments I’ve read all month.

Lies! I would much rather have a well balanced rwd car with good brakes and adequate power on track over a torque steering crap box srt4 busting halfshafts and understeering* everything.

the FR-S/BRZ is a poster child for why automakers don’t listen to enthusiasts.