@Golgari: I am excite
@Golgari: I am excite
@PoweredByHentai: Wait, how many submissions were there
@Black-Dog-Howls: This game looks increíble
@dowingba: I see Peter's point, I, for one, have pretty slow internet (damn dorm connections), so I basically stick to tangible objects for all my games
@Brinsley :): Except changing discs kind of ruins the mood... and flow of the game
@Female Orca: Me likey
@Ice_man: yay
@ImmortalGrey: Agreed
@Adhominem: I agree, 252 is actually incredibly overweight, especially for women. I'm sure that people love to give excuses, and are always reluctant to truly criticize obese people.... but c'mon, it's just plain unhealthy. I'd much rather be slightly underweight and fit than fat and have five times the risk of dying…
@balls187: I'd hit it, with a hammer. I suspect that might have already been done, considering she looks extremely squished and disproportionate in the picture. Maybe that's the fault of the picture... or maybe she has extremely short legs
@kbizzleZIDANE: Gosh, these costumes are so cool looking
@WongFeiHong: Bit of a bullshit post, but you do have somewhat of a point... Anyways keep in mind that:
@phicaluk: I think if you treat the box with love and compassion it will eventually open up to you
@Taggart6 has water damage :(: I disagree, the box art is simple and really stands out in comparison to every other action game cover (basically explosions and screaming people)
@Hassun: Somebody crossed the border illegally
@Azures: Zombie mode!
@Taggart6 has water damage :(: Oh, don't worry
But can it make me invincible to Commando in Modern Warfare 2?
@shaunmcilroy: I fap to Uncharted