
@Jon Q: Damn you EA!

@Kobun: Nope. Honestly, with the attitude the digital media industry has and the prices they charge, I cannot support them, and therefore get my content for free

@Covertghost: Based on all the attention Kotaku has given this game, this looks like a must-buy in my book. Obviously, I'll wait for some more reviews to come around, but I really want to play this game

@Jnas: These just may be some of the best DLC skins I have ever seen

@iambald: I figured we would need a legit Chocolate Rain

@subnet6: I'm a bit confused about this whole thing, is it "juvenile" because one would more frequently find younger and more vocal kids using their headsets?

@Wolfnave: Out of the goodness of my heart, I took the time to make a template for anyone who wants to add their own title. I did the best I could in 10 minutes, it's a bit noticeable over the left breast... but you can cover it up with text

@pinshot: Quick, Charmander, use fire blast!

@xgen007: Agreed, let the 360 peeps try it out and find the bugs first


@jenkemlover: I would love to try this game out... but is it PC only?

@Brian Crecente: I love this show, it seems like I'm always able to talk to you guys, even though I might call a little later into the show.