Im conservative and I do not tolerate pedophilia, period.
Im conservative and I do not tolerate pedophilia, period.
Hater? Im speaking in facts. you actually need help. dont you start with that BS?
Go to jail, pedophile. All bronys are PEDOPHILES!!!
Get help from a therapist pedophile. Repent.
Ugh. the only people I can guess that is going to waste their money to see this effeminate filth are beta males and pedophiles. And Im saying this is because they think they can get woman to like them more which is false.
Piss off you retard. blocked.
you are a real piece of f**kiing s**t Vadim. If hillary wins, its on your head and hopefully you will be slaughtered by the Islamonazis THAT HILLARY AND OBAMA FORGED!!!!
Good. and I hope they keep editing stuff like this to prevent our future generations from becoming queers