
I'm all for people being held accountable for their wrong doings, but to say they should be condemned to obscurity with no recourse for forgiveness if they are genuinely contrite is too much. Obviously I don't know Brown, Affleck or Penn personally to fair judge them or know if they are contrite, but I feel just as

The trailer for Jackie is the wrong trailer. That's the official, not the teaser you described. That's also a great trailer though.

I got to ask….was I the only one who didn't dig the ending? It was such a great episode up to that point, maybe the second best after the pilot, but that ending was just odd and kind of anticlimactic. Is it supposed to be meta? Are they setting up for Army of Darkness? Is it a consistent choice for Ash to make given

This has to be a joke or just one person's opinion. Everyone is entitled to an opinion of course, but the comments here seem…shallow. Like the things they nitpick at are things that ignore the subtleties of the show on a whole.