Not to be “that guy” but that’s movie Ironhide, not Hound. Still looks awesome though.
Not to be “that guy” but that’s movie Ironhide, not Hound. Still looks awesome though.
HA! I was just going to say this...before reading the article, I assumed that’s what it was about...
Yeah, they look like brother and sister.
Baseball is the only sport that actually looks like America.
Also Half-Life 2. Same month as Halo 2. Good month. :P
Baldwin’s reaction is like that republican lady who got all mad at Ana Navarro for saying pussy on the news when she was quoting Donald Trump - same misdirection, same reduction of the word to the single, most recent instance of it’s use while blatantly ignoring the referenced, and far more significant, use.
Like 99% of all white people have said the “N-word,” in one context or another. Not allowing white people to say the “N-word” on TV or in public, yah ok.
This week
While we may not have any hard proof (YET), there is a 0% chance Steve Bannon has never said nigger.
Asians of Shield
The Symmetra revamp is now live on Overwatch’s PTR. In other news, we all live in hell now, but at least the…
Both of her ultimates will be pure support, with a shield generator being ultimately giving people free self-heals (this was true before, but 25 shield was too small to really matter). A big, mobile shield sounds supporty to me, too. She def sounds like she’ll be a defensive support with these changes, as opposed to…
As a Symmetra player that’s hated for all the wrong reasons (not switching at the slightest sign of distress), I can’t wait to be hated for all the right reasons.
Favorite character getting some love. <3
For a little while, Blizzard’s acknowledged that Symmetra is too much of a situational hero. Now they’re doing…
Back in ‘96, I was a 14 year old with an ISDN line and a group of friends. We found a BBS full of porn and went ahead and downloaded the first pic we could find. It started to download and popped up on the screen one half-inch line at a time. I remember as it got down to the tits, we were all shouting “WHOA”. Then…
I like scrolling through friends of friends or strangers’ Facebook photos in search of that photo in the bikini from the beach 5 years ago. (For some reason all bikini photos are from 5 years ago, no matter who it is our when you look.) Not always successful but the thrill of the hunt is fun.