
@mchart: Ok for one its super safe to drive. I've avoided 3 head on crashes due to people changing lanes without looking on the 405. That's in LA for your info. The suspension is unmatched by any car I've driven and that is saying a lot because I'm an animator at a major Japanese car corp. The boxer engine makes it

@VeeArrrSix: check out the 2010.. I haz it!

@AV6Spd: I have the WRX 2010... Love the lip instead of that ricey wing. I'm just glad the engines are the same or I would have some serious jealousy issues right now.... sigh.. so if I'm a female, does that mean that people think I'm a cunt for driving this thing? lol!

@WestwoodDenizen: Maybe you're right. But, I think I'm gonna have a hard time taking it out now though.

Feelin good!

@SenorMoofer: I'm ambidextrous too! Although I can only get off with my left hand. Weird....

@mattv888: You're not in control of "if something happens". I humbly say GO FOR IT!

Thinks like this make me smile im an ambi. :)

@Enorym: OMG thats a big one!

Ha! I worked at a Quarterdeck in Sunrise, Fl off Flamingo Rd. Sawgrass Mills mall anyone?

Does this mean the terrorists won?

@d5280: I was at the checkout counter in an IKEA once and saw a guy wearing one. I asked him if that was his idea of irony. WTF!

All owners of Che illustrator art shirts please proceed to roll them up into shirt joints and shove them up your asses. Regards, La Colombiana.

@autob0n: In Nichiren Buddhism the concept of Karma is that it runs 7 years forwards and 7 years back throughout your entire generation. Everyone gets what they deserve because essentially energy cannot be destroyed and as we are energy running in bodies as fuel. We never cease to exist. Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

@FriedPeeps: All owners of Che illustrator art shirts please proceed to roll them up into shirt joints and shove them up your asses. Regards, La Colombiana.

@DanGarion: I actually do have the pics as I was emailing them to myself from that pc. And in my defense, he did have to go into my email from my profile to see them. I did create him a new profile and was under the impression that I deleted my own! Maybe he's the old perv and not me! hahaha But at the risk of never

@MagicTrackpad: Laughing helps me the most! I thought I was so clever in hacking Mac software onto a mini pc and then realized, yeah, I'm really not that clever.

Next up: Cloned quadrupeds and genetically altered fish approved by the FDA and on our plates!

Add me to the list of peeps that thought this was about blow at first look. ...sigh...