
Sold an Msi mini with OSX hacked on to it to a old man on ebay. Five days later received a call explaining that I didn't wipe the memory completely when I created the new profile and the man could access emails with pornographic pics of my ex. He said it looked like I was into the gang bang type and that I was not so

Not that there's anything wrong with politicians playing games, obviously, but we know just how addictive Angry Birds can be.

Damn it. Now I want an Ipad.

@Timmy: Ah the future of humanity!

@Ressy: But you can go kill a brown man in a foreign country.

Does it vibrate? I broke my favorite toy and think this move jiggy could double as a replacement. Two birds, one stone, money saved, booya!

That should solve it...

@TheRage: Not bloody likely asshat:

@JabbaB: Nah. I pretty much play FF13 and Heavenly Sword. Sometimes Little Big Planet. Waiting for II!

@medrick: necissated? What does that mean?

@MaWeiTao: Good point. I raced a GT and it sat at the light with it's wheels spinning for quite a while. 4Xdrive really takes off.

Wow the 750 hp is only 30k?!!!! My WRX was more than that!

@xxpor: ARg! So pricey. Well I just sent in the Whistler back for a refund. I'll have to slow down while I save money for the new bad boy!


@Ding-Dang: Aw shiz, I was just commenting on this!

Man, I want one of these to maintain my fur pie!