
@Zfire: My house is solar powered btw and I'm not screaming about it to everyone.

Ok...if the owners charge on solar paneled sources then more "power" too them. If not, they are just as shitty as the rest of us.

@xxpor: Whistler XTR-105 Car Radar Laser Detector Total Band

@ThreeLitre: Damn I drove a volkswagen fox that was like that in HS.

Dude, you guys should have covered the Wagner rings at LA Opera not two months ago. The costumes were these crazy robotic get ups that were mechanically wonderbar.

@Wolfy Kovac: The riots in Mozambique last week prompted concerns that protests could spread across poor countries that relied heavily on agricultural imports. Discontent at rising prices for staples has emerged in countries from Egypt to South Africa.

@Wolfy Kovac: It just so happened that on my way to work there were scientists, one from the US (That has written that book I referenced.) and one from India discussing the future of global warming prevention. Actually just today there was an article on the rising prices of food in Mozambique. Like the Indian

@Sqube the Squberian: Maybe because sitting in a steel coffin 18,000 miles above the surface of the earth freaks some people out.

@Hart88: @Skunky: Ugh.. I bought a Whistler and it BLOWS!!! It never goes off when there is a cop around. I've been told that is because in LA they don't always have their radar on. I know it works because it goes of (KA) when there is one of those speed detector signs set up on the street. But Ive passed 15 cops

@Wolfy Kovac: Reading about cars. I'm in the industry.

@Wolfy Kovac: Being knowledgeable is not a hobby, for myself and many others it's a way of life. I'll go back to animating in Maya. Thanks.

@ImmaLion: Take us? Huh? Really? lol

@smkm: Love my Nook too. Maybe the next update will have a better contrast ratio? Or does that have to do with the screen? Idk.. I'm sad because I got my first scratch on it from reading on the beach...:(

Ahhh. The joy of a minimalist home...