@hotcake: HAHAAHAHHAAHHAAH! I kiss my sister!
@hotcake: HAHAAHAHHAAHHAAH! I kiss my sister!
Baby blue bumper + phone charm + tiny mini dog in yellow clothing = wtf Brian?
@FuzzysFriedChicken: Annoying everyone around you with constantly chiming little bells that ring with your every movement.
@bojangles103: hahaha I was thinking that as I hit the link and blamo...there you were. :)
@Robert Cowie: Not at your target heart rate for 45 mins. As a seasoned fitness junkie that sits on a yoga ball at work for 8 hours while I animate in Maya, I respectfully disagree. Although I will say I do see people wasting time talking too much!
Good thing we all own guns. A foreign invasion will be a total shit show on the ground :)
@Almightywhacko: My god. It's almost offensive to stock these at Wallmart in this economy.
@nahcyrag: It's fanless.
like how a Lincoln Navigator can hold more corpses in the trunk than a Honda Civic.
@johnnyabnormal: LOL! OMG this ad is so titillating... my lady parts!
@Dartimous: Really, I think that "whats her face" was just raggin and wanted to show me her power.
@Philanthropy: Jabba na hila
@spl150db: Note to self: First thing you do when you find yourself in Romania is assault someone with a weapon.
@RT100: This is def the best Gawker blog. Though, enough with the iphone antenna already.
@Dartimous: Yeah I know. I just thought the rules would be Universal. It seem like as opposed to the Huffington post. The posts on Jezebel are one sided and anything contradictory is viewed as offensive. I wasn't really concerned about respecting the author. I didn't know who she was until she banned me after…
@AlphaJarmel: Thank you. I feel exactly the same way. If I say something that contradicts the editor, I usually post a back up link. Troll is such an ugly work, like Cougar. Ugh.. just defamatory!
@Canon7D-Fanboy: I like Gizzers... go with that.
@♫ Realityism ♪♫: Yeah but sometimes things are funny and a +1 is noted.