
Yeah Ive followed the rules. Still got banned from Jezebel (under the Gawker umbrella) by the editor for simply backing up an opinion that she was adamantly against. Oh well.....

@safil: I thought the hipsters had the kin?

@cayton: There we go with the thinking again!

@Neener: Touche'! Paying my credit card on the exact due date online and not getting a late fee is pretty good.

@Zfire: wwwwwwwwwwnnnnnnnnn....


@Krobar: Or a pastel colored bandaid on the left rear rim.

@bdinger: I second that. I'll keep my money, guns, and freedom. The rest of you can keep the "change".

@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.1: Excellent....

@jonnyversusrobots: LOL... When Bender opens the card and it plays, "Tin ton tin ton tin....I love my mommy...."

So take your own advice and move on.

I didn't need to read this article to know this duche nozzle didn't have a heart beat. He shot his friend in the face and started an everlasting war on false premises for facks sake! As if Bush had the capacity to do the eight years of irreversible damage himself. And that smirk! Have you seen it! It's pure evil! I

@tj: leave them in the water. Look at space. No one is going up there to gather all that crap.

@8oardR1der: Right? You'd think the Evo 4G never came out or that the Galaxy wasn't coming. WTF is up with Giz these days? I keep peeking at Engadget and if this Iphone mania continues I'll eventually just skip the Giz all together and save Engaget to my chrome homepage. After Jason Chen had a break in without notice

@Hearthatvoiceagain: LOL! It'll be official when they make Hello Kitty antenna band aids..

This is getting silly.

@zenpoet: I feel an argument for a dedicated "game room" coming!

@strich: It is awesome isn't it? Kudos to you. Get ready to spend some bank cause now you gonna be a reading machine! Plus check the daily for Grin and Tonic. They're free and funny :)

Tunnel in a fabricated in dimension in Cupertino where the phone actually works.