
I would say “What a dick”, but back when UO went from Beta to Release, Lord British had an huge in-game event and me and a few other people worked together for our master assassin to assassinate him mid-speech.

A cosplay worthy of a fist bump.

She’s just one example of the rainbow of asshats I’ve had to encounter for my depression and anxiety. The anxiety wasn’t even diagnosed until I was well into my forties.

It’s like they’ve not only lowered the bar to entry, but totally removed it. They no longer seem too concerned with vetting games anymore with Steam Direct. Just let the games go up, collect the royalties, and pull out the ban hammer when enough people complain.

*opens a can of laughter*

Now playing

Yep, Sid Alpha’s been on this hack for over a year. Valve really has no excuse.

Yeah, and Many a True Nerd did a good rundown on it on YouTube.

android is literally the solution.

As an Apple user, I’m gonna just get this off my chest by saying Fuck You, Apple.

This. Anything that looks like an app store or something to sold digital content automatically is rejected.

Apple attempts to repress any app where you can purchase or use any digital content that doesn’t go through their app store. It’s why you can’t order Kindle books in the Amazon app and you can’t order Audiobooks in Audible. If they decide you might be able to purchase something they feel they should get a cut of, it’s

You sad little fuck. I am not an enormous fan of TB but he is a massive figure in gaming and no one deserves to suffer like he did. You are and will remain nothing for your entire life.

is this in response to his gamergate incident?

Prediction: People will still complain about balance changes in Blizzard animated films

Blizz just needs to make its own animation studio and produce movies like Pixar.

Yeah I always figured Reaper was one of the grumpier characters in the game. But then again if Moria used me as a science experiment I would be grumpy too.

Agreed. The popularity of streaming in general, just blows my mind. I guess it really points out the voyeuristic nature of the world. But still...the popularity of such toxic behavior is just so strange.....and a waste of time? I dunno....just not my thing. Watching someone do something online and blab about it, seems

I prefer watching AGDQ streams or speedruns....twitch is awful. Hopefully it’s a fad and dies off. It reminds me of reality TV, we are making people famous who haven’t worked for it.

Depends on the streamer honestly. Theres a few communites/streamers I support and watch regularly where chat is really lovely.