
for Milwaukee. I see it as double dipping. Parks are for the public and paid for by the public. Adding a fee will only bring a chilling effect for the next developer who doesn’t have the cash or the legal means to discover these new laws. So if and when they do discover the ordinance. its just easier to black list the

this is why the novelty of the unown, is to collect all the letter variant.

check your source before posting. their old account they had is still banned. so they just made a new one. which depending on the service, you can not do, for it is circumventing the ban.

Explain to me how this ‘joke’ should be interpreted. outside the context of 4chan or locker room talk.

The same reason you remove 2 ribs for Autofellatio.

I disagree. Steam was and still kinda is really bad to search for good games. I got tired of looking and just waited for Kotaku, Jim Sterling and Total biscuit to find something good. even they can’t go through all the games on steam. though the shit storm of games didn’t effect you. it did effected the developers who

Depending on how much it costs per listing. maybe. but its still way better by just one minor change. steam green light shouldn’t be a onetime payment club pass but a processing fee. 100 to put in X joke listings should have never happened.

Thank god for jim.
praise be RNGesus.

HOLY SHIT! its getting fixed!

Welcome to the PC master race :D

I never understood why companies do this kind of shit. telling your employers to meet sales quotas only hurts your image.

No Futa option?

I stand corrected. thank you.

agreed. the GOP in congress is 1 vote away to amend the Constitution. this is bad. any Democrat is one heavy bribe away to change their stance on laws. assuming the GOP dont get cold feet.

good thing I didn’t buy this game.

so, this is a JRPG anti-hero story?

isn’t there some mythology behind the candles in hell? I forget the full story. but its something along the lines of a soul destined to enter hell upon death. (as soon as the candle is snuffed out.)
edit: yes. I’m going to buzz kill this topic to talk about deep stuff. lite up your joints people. this is going to be a

He who controls the Spice[r], controls the universe. Period! - Sean Spicer

I want to be on mars. hell I’ll settle for the moon right now.

this highlight reel got so much win today.