Now playing

jim sterling plays AAA games and commentates on the current state of games. some say he might be a little crazy for playing too many really bad games from steam. but his video’s are a reflection of the current steam market. lots-of-shitty-games. he also lurks around on steam greenlight looking for games to promote. so

why am i getting “If you’ve landed on this page, you may be wondering exactly what it’s all about.” error each time i click on links that redirect me?

I just can’t wait for the court date. I’m interested how this will change the county/ USA.

I would agree with you. but one detail you are missing. the county is basing their definition of “running a business” by the home owner’s equipment. by that definition every Tom, Dick, and Harry IS running a business in their home whether its for a hobby or not.

so every twitch user and youtuber needs to go to an office to make their videos?

He is president (throws up a little in his mouth) he has to get use to the fact that he will be the ass of every joke.

if you watch the video. he said that he is being slammed by fines because he has a camera, gaming pc, xbox and ps4. the county is deeming the workplace by its equipment. so, by this logic, EVERYONE has a workplace and workplace equipment in their homes which would be considered illegal. so if the county wants to. they

This has to be taken to court. yes, it’s not cheap but this has to be done to set a precedent. lots of people work from home since its cheap for both the employee and the employer.

and yet the public elected him. goes to show what the mental capacity is for the general public.

I really wish GR 1 and 2 would come out for the PC.

ether upgrade your hdd or stop bitching....

pc master race.

common sense this isn’t a racial problem. its a human one.

Uh please. you don’t want people to play it because you don’t want them on a network that is connected to the internet. they also rather have control over the game so they can do surveillance on their people.

way to be a buzzkill.

almost looks like an yin yang.

And the population of active users spike.

Piracy no. Trademark infringement. yes.... well... maybe. Nintendo/gamefreak own the word Pokemon. so that’s the only thing they can try to argue in court. but the true answer is: We don’t know. this is in a gray area that someone needs to challenge when it comes to modding games. In the PC market, this is old hat and

region locked has no place in the global market. If i want to import a game that is only available in japan. I want the option to get it and play it on a console that was made for the US.
it may sound unimportant. but there is lots of games that never see the light of day due to stupid reasons. yeah some games are held

I find it funny that you think that when obama had a 70% approval rating when congress had jack.

There are programs to edit the save files on roms. so, day before match, save team data. at match, check save file. done. this is why they have these checks to begin with. hacking your team is nothing more then changing a zero to a one.