
This is Nintendo’s hardware. They Hate it when people are hacking their Hardware, IP, software and trademarks. especially when hackers do so for their own gain (to make a product to sell or for fun). This product will have to come from the company. so if the company cares, (hint they don’t) they have to do it

RUN FOR YOUR LIVES! don’t let it take the cash from your wallet!
too late.

then have a program do it. plug in your 3DS get it scanned, and if player does not match their submission, flag.

its not that hard to set up a system to do this. it doesn’t have to be a human checking just a human monitoring the check.

I just feel like if there is going to be harsh rules and game changing decisions.

If the rules are going to be this harsh. why is there not a judge double checking with the competitor that all stats were correctly written down?

wait for the steam sale to drop. this game might go on sale in like 3 days.

One thing to note about youtube. is that your email can have 2 accounts tied to it. I have a google+ and a normal youtube account. during the google + and youtube debacle. I had to manage my accounts to make sure I was selected under the correct account. If you are on the wrong account it would appear as if you have

I watched it and like it. but like a normal middle aged male. I feel like watching porn afterward to Finnish off the titillation I got from watching the fan service.

how do real sports settle this problem? do they ban different types of shoes?

If I was a “rich” man. I’d fall for the playboy-looking-model-who-is-advertising-a-game too.

not like I didn’t see that coming. I can unsub now. getting tired of seeing clickbait video titles.

welp, can’t say i didn’t see that one coming. I can now unsub from his clickbait shit.

it looks like you two got thrown into a cardboard box.

only 750 k? that seems rather small group of viewers to start exporting work.

DUDE! I want this feature in the games in the US.

this is so bs. some of these videos are forced to be played before content that i watch or is embedded into ads of websites.

What is fan service for kids? you listed it. but I don’t think you gave an example. Cartoony humor?

at least you’re thorough.

I must be missing these “plot devices.” the only show i watched that depicted rape was game of thrones. I would include Jessica Jones, but that was not visually depicted only implied.


I would grab copies of different game roms from online right now for archiving purposes. but its that stupid dogma of “bit torrent is piracy” bullshit. its near impossible to not get slammed for piracy when really you are there to protect and store the game for the future. I don’t have the time nor the money to