
Years ago I noticed I added way too many exclamation points, so I granted myself two for any email. Now I spend more time deciding where they're gonna go than I do writing the email… But at least I don't sound too excited!

Mm, Kubo looks a lot smoother than the other movies, but the gritty look of both Boxtrolls and ParaNorman fits the aesthetic of those worlds and works well in the stories. Different world, different look. Though I haven't seen Coraline since the early nineteen-dickities, so I barely remember what it looks like.

I agree; I feel like we were starting to see some real growth from Mordecai, especially from the episode about his mother and throughout his relationship with CJ. This was a major backslide. I don't want to see Mordecai stop developing as a mature character simply because he still fails at being self-reflective.