
A person shaking his team’s “flag” at Newton while he is trying to celebrate a victory with his team’s fans is now “Cam bothering a fan”?Wow, that statement is nearly as douchey as the original open letter.

Jet fuel can’t melt butter on popcorn!!!!!!

I live in the NW and this kind of BS mentality is pervasive among Seattle fans. I’m just glad now the entire nation gets to see it. And then there’s this:

So fucking what? He’s not supposed to be Mr. Nice Guy. He also didn’t tell “Fuck Seahawks fans” or, “Sarah is a cunt!” Grow up.

She’s right. This is the way a classy organization celebrates.

He seriously looks like he is just having fun. There is literally no malice in his actions. He won. God forbid he show emotion. The “12" flag is not sacred. It’s a damn marketing gimmick that Seattle fans embrace a little bit too much. Get over yourself. Cam showing emotion and having fun on the field is great for the

Why do you expect another team’s QB to go out of his way to avoid hurting your team’s precious fee-fees?

So a division rival brings an obnoxious flag to the home team’s stadium, abandons it, and everyone is supposed to pretend like it’s some kind of untouchable masterpiece of the human spirit? Give me a break.

how quickly they forget.

I was at the game, and on top of this lady being a fucking ridiculous ball of over-serious smarm, as I understand it, the flag was left there and was HANDED to Cam by Panthers fans.

If this woman rooted for any other team, I’m pretty sure she would call Richard Sherman either “uppity” or “thug” every single chance she got.

I don’t give a shit about A&M but it pisses me off Seahawk fans act like the 12th man was their idea and their so fucking special.

Sorry, Cam’s actions on Sunday were far less egregious than that fucking commercial Wilson did with Macklemore...

Imagine how many more hungry the 12th Man could feed and clothe if it didn’t travel across the country en masse to watch a football game. Lots of cancer drugs those plane tickets could buy instead...

See, what Cam doesn’t understand is that the 12th man is a family. A community. And they do what all good families do, steal shit from Texas A&M.

“P.P.P.P.P.S. Teacher hits us when we make mistakes. Send help.”

I’m sorry but Strong is clearly #1, When I grenaded my own settlement and 7 settlers died, strong stopped me to tell me he had learnt a new word, he had learnt respect.

