
Some of the statements are bad and inflammatory that they cannot be accidental...

Just as an aside, why do we allow bounty hunters to exist in the 21st century? They massively abuse constitutional rights and don't do anything that our Marshal's Service can't do anyway and they have the added benefit of legal authority

If the police had let the mourners(Yes, mourners. They weren't protesters until the police gave them a reason to protest) have their moment, vent their pain, and be done with it, this would have all been over by start of business Monday. Same with Occupy Wall Street. If the cops left them alone, traders would have

The Ferguson and STL County cops shit the bed on this one. Let's play devil's advocate for a sec...Assuming the story THE POLICE TELL is accurate, then there was a struggle in the car, and one maybe two rounds that went off during the struggle. Ok now let's assume that those two rounds were perfectly justified and

I'm down with this. I volunteer for the "World" side

As vile and crude as it was, calling each finger a separate count in the same act is like saying that if you slap someone, that should be 5 counts of assault, 6 if you count the palm. I agree there was A criminal act, but this count stacking is one of the main reasons that 97% of defendants plead guilty. seems to me

And with only 8 million fewer people!