Zetes Johnson

Personally, I don't know why more people aren't buying CDs. What I don't understand is how teenagers are listening to MP3s in their cars. I mean, don't they all own cars that are 10 years old and don't have MP3 ports?

I don't know. It feels like every single person I've ever talked to about it in real life just absolutely despises found-footage and any handheld movies.

Oui oui!

Ugh, at least by their second record, Best Coast's lyrics are so bad I can't even stand them anymore. And I'm someone who NEVER pays attention to lyrics.

That episode does have Lenny's infamous line, "My eye! I'm not supposed to get pudding in it!"

I love the look on the girl's face after Williams admits he died masturbating and she sees the button on her shirt.

Love that episode. In fact, it's pretty much the episode of that show I remember in any detail.

It was probably the interview the A.V. Club did with Altman. I remember him talking about O.C. and Stiggs.

I don't care for his music, but he seems like a pretty cool guy. I also love him in the Lonely Island song/video YOLO.

Yep, it was The Kids Are All Right.

Hey, there's a lezzie movie on Cinemax!

Tracy yelling at the kid playing Nermal is perhaps my favorite moment in the series.

Think of it this way, if I had two dollars, I'd give you one, right?

Jesus Christ, I really want to drag that fucker out in the street and beat the shit out of him nowadays. I remember thinking he was pretty sensible for a conservative back in the 90s. I think even during the Bush administration he wasn't too dispicable, comparatively, anyway.

It was this or Let's Be Cops, but that one was playing a bit later and my buddy wasn't a fan of New Girl. I ended up seeing Let's Be Cops with another friend on Sunday afternoon, because that was the most convenient movie for us to see and he was a fan of New Girl.

I know. It was more the fact that I was hanging out with a friend and that was the only movie that I hadn't seen that we were both a little interested in, seeing as we saw the first one together when we were 11 years old.

Saw Ninja Turtles yesterday. It was lousy, as expected.

Mako was lightning bending in one of the first episodes in Season 1, remember, when he was working at a factory to make some extra money between pro bending gigs.

I really only found the relationship stuff terrible when I was watching it episode for episode. Like episode 4 or 5 in the first season just pissed me off.

Ultimatum may have been the most powerful episode simply because of the cliffhanger. I really thought Tenzin was dead. I was a little disappointed, actually, that the announcer immediately revealed that he was only gravely injured.