
As she wasn’t afraid of sex!

But, homework isn’t just to teach a subject, it’s also to teach you how to work.”

I’m sorry to go a bit off topic, but I need to pick your brains.

Or Unagi, if you're American.

I thought he was aiming for 3000.

She was doing the musical for The Nanny and that to me is work. Sublime work. 

The bit Lucas made as B.Jo during GBBO (lockdown edition) was quite good.

And didn’t help apparently?

Rose’s daughter may be Cinda: looking to solve her birth and family miseries she found something else. It's funnier if Sazz is just Sazz.

Do you have a tutorial or some instructions I can look at and learn from? I’ve been toying myself with this idea since the offsprings were born.

Peugeot- the sculptor


Is it body shame if I point out she’s asymmetrical?

I’d go on Google and Reddit and search “what to do after winning the lottery”.

Where's Tiffany?

There’s going to be quite some pressure on Lea Michelle’s performance. If she’s smart, even if anxious, she’ll have to be as kind as Glinda and keep her mouth shout to attempt a revival.

I’m fighting a tennis mom that always park in the disability spot because she has twins. Parking lot half empty most of the times. It's the arrogance and knowing you can't do anything to let her stop because police will laugh at you if reported. 

Lombroso'd have something to say about these specimens...

I’d rather have more Cougar town. Unfortunate title, lovely series.

Only 96k of thr 160k it should have been worth? Why on worthy and not proper jewellers? Please help my brain process this.