I'd buy the WD if it wasn't for the 50$ of taxes (love you Europe!).
Out of curiosity: why android apps are never for free ? Just discounts.
I'd buy the WD if it wasn't for the 50$ of taxes (love you Europe!).
Out of curiosity: why android apps are never for free ? Just discounts.
I'm actually european... go figure! Ha, I'm gonna give them a try.
How's this PNY ? I've never heard about it, and it doesn't seem to be compatible with my DLRS.
You cannot put on the list the nikon D600 with all its sensor cleaning problems, and leave out the D7100. Lot of nikon afiçionados are quite angry about the D600. Maybe the D610 will solve the problem.
I have a D5000 and you can call it an entry level.
I think we - Europeans - are cut off of some deals. Sometimes I see the same offers on amazon.uk, but if it's on ebay, it's wuite difficult.
And this is why I love you LH.
Is it safe to have a delicate external hdd shipped? My courirer doesn't seem to care since I have lot of parcels full of books with a lot of bruises.... I cannot think about having an hdd in that little truck around the country!
One is a simple compact, the other is for when you feel cool and/or hipster.
Love it! It reminded a bit of Ebichu's craziness...but that was Anno at his pervy top.
The only book on my shelves that I've never been able to finish is Infinite Jest.
Can I add more and more stars to your post?
From *.mkv to *.avi, what's the best? I may have to use some *.sub or *.srt and hardsub the video.
PS3 why you no *.mkv?
FatFighters diet is the best.
And now you made me remember this.
To me, she'll always be working on her night cheese.
There's no such a thing as a free Proxy.
When I lived in Japan, unlike most gaijin, I've lost 20kg. A lil' bread, and no pasta... maybe the trick that can work for me. Thanks!
How did you managed to gain 26GB?! I'm stuck at 2.88.
My friends don't use it and aren't interested...
I heal even faster than most of the people, perfect skin (not as a baby but no pimps or particular problems) and smooth as a peach, shiny hair, as for sleep I've never slept well in my entire life and lately I'm around 8hours when I used to go for 4 (and felt good).