That, only if you have easy to sell things around.
That, only if you have easy to sell things around.
I just found an IBM OS/2 for windows 3.1 hidden in my closet.
Lenshero kept suggesting me a wrong wideangle lens for my DLRS.
I always find out about photo contest after the dead line. How can I find them?
Yeah, Italians have a lot of things to think about... like the Massacre of Cermis (1998).
Does H.Styles have a third nipple?
Is Amazon Mom only available for US residents or there's something similar with ?
The first one is not easy to translate. Maybe you wanted to go with "I Think About Ferrari".. the second one is "Therefore I'm Ferrari / So, I am Ferrari"
What about My Sassy Girl or The Classic (for movies)?
To me, there's nothing more perfect than The Philadelphia Story, but if there's Moonstuck on tv, the world can collapse and I won't notice.
Best Little Edie is Shania (New Normal), but still I like D.B.. She looks like's fun to be around, plus her friend is K.Wiig, what more do you pretend for a girl's night out.
How good is with classical music? with songs I use shazam or soundhound.. but it's with classical music I really need some help. You can always remember a quote from the song and search it later, but not with shostakovich!
I fell in love with it while in was on every supermarket.
There's one that I used to sensually shout while being groped on the JR line on the super-crowded train:
I still haven't understand one thing: can I put my movies/books on it or I'm obbliged to download them from Amazon store?
Actually Rosso means Red, the colour.
#corrections Rogen (title)
I always wanted to voice Excel Saga. I just need an olympic medal to put in my cv now.