I believe in Donovan's theory:
That's one of the worst photos they could have ever picked.
She has booked a new surgery for that expression.
Lots of cool stuff but on my Desire I still can't have a full offline map as on my much cheaper Nokia.
Alas, you forgot the "You First", on X-files' Dreamland, with Mulder and Morris Fletcher.
Yeah, love hurts.
I find a little giggle-gas before I begin increases my pleasure enormously. (said the dentist)
Still I'd prefere a light blue screen with black letters and the "Murder, she wrote" theme on the backgroud.
I don't even like cats, but Hobbes is really just the best.
No results for me: I can set a standard!
@chilldivine: I'd be happy with cheaper (and better) bras.
@Faustroll: straight to the point!
I'd go for
I thought she was going for the White Swan look.
And you know what's even worst?
@queenhobart: Wasn't Viagra just a heart medicine?