
Emma Thompson you mean, she is Rickman’s close friend who worked with him in Pride and Prejudice, Cate Blanchett wasn’t that well known at the time of Dogma.

Well the Library could convert people to data and back, so with her mind and body scans (possibly from the TARDIS) it should be able to create a new copy, like the Doctor in the Confession Dial.

Her death isn’t a fixed point since she does exist post death and the Doctor just leaving her hanging there forever seems odd.

The thing that got me was how he pretty much acted like “yes you are going to die, it is going to happen... sorry”, when The Name of The Doctor dangled a MASSIVE carrot by suggesting post library River had somehow survived in some form or another.

If they want to keep her coming back I have no issues with but it is

That was how I read that scene.

Very much agree, the special would already have pulled in viewers with it featuring multiple Doctors so having Hurt to pull viewers in doesn’t sound like any kind of argument. Instead it just seemed like Moffat was trying to burn through the regens to make Smith the last doctor in his first cycle.

As good as Hurt was,

Probably, the Doctor’s regenerations work more smoothly when in the TARDIS (remember how keen Jack was on taking 10 there), which is presumably as close to being Galifrey without actually being there.