
boy... someone is hungry for clicks....

The 30/70 cut has been a staple in many digital storefronts for YEARS. if it was that much of an issue it would have been brought up YEARS ago. The bottom line is that it pays for the GOOD services the store platform provides that EPIC still has yet to implement. This has NOTHING to do with the 30/70 cut its all fluff

How about we just get a good transformer movie first? Can we not forcefully insert LGBT into EVERYTHING? especially ROBOTS of all things?

I haven’t logged in to comment in years but I had to since this is the first reply i saw.... fucking yes..... Redline.....

I support you and your decision. I understand your choice and I also understand why others who are too eager to continue the witch hunt continue theirs. I don’t understand why people don’t understand your position other then looking elsewhere on the internet. People like those clamoring that you are supporting his

I logged in just to agree with this. storing 5TB of shit on ONE GOD DAMN DRIVE is a fucking sin. You’re just asking for trouble. get at least 2 if you plan on filling it at least half way.

I logged in just to agree with this. storing 5TB of shit on ONE GOD DAMN DRIVE is a fucking sin. You’re just asking

Gender Swapping characters in a 20 something year old franchise is stupid and lazy. I'm sorry for all those that want a female Link, Mega Man, Mario, ETC. You want a good female character come up with an offspring or descendant of the original. Or hell, how about a new game or character? Because I would play the

As a reader and follower of the original version you wrote, I still do not believe this belongs on a gaming website. Yes consent, RAPE, murder, everything else are all valid discussion points. But for Christ's sake not on a gaming news article. The fact that the original article made it past Patricia and whomever


Thanks for this Stephen. For shame Patricia, a lot of your logic here comes close slander against all men. You are much better than this. It is not guilty until proven innocent, especially in today's society with many women crying false RAPE accusations. We will never know for sure but if the woman here had an

Don't lecture about the Indie Scene. Of all of the many indie games from the last few years Most of the Demographic has been the exact same, a strong male lead. There is hardly any change in direction from AAA to indie covering this topic. Don't forget without the dollar of the idiot white male buying games

But that's the point of a company isn't it? Would you buy art that disgusted you or music that you couldn't stand to listen to?

Exactly, on the scale of things to GIVE A SHIT ABOUT, having LGBT or Diversity in GAMES is so low on the list it might as well be on the bottom of the ocean. There are tons of issues around the world with people dieing, starving, etc. Go take up a CAUSE instead of just whining about video game diversity. If and

Sounds like a review from POLYGON's staff.

If that was the case, why do games targeted at young white males sell CONSIDERABLY more than others?

If they're art, why do they generally only give us a window into white male power fantasies?

Actually no, that Title belongs to POLYGON

Nice looking lineup!

My Large issue with her is that most men will find women attractive in ANYTHING they wear. It doesn't have to be skimpy outfits, and they don't necessarily have to be supermodels. Men find Women attractive, its part of nature. Men also feel the need to protect women, also nature. That doesn't mean women aren't do realize that touch is possibly the best kind of control for a bullet hell shooter right.....? yeah i didn't think so... it almost makes these types of games TOO easy vs a controller... its one of the only types of touch based controlled games that work better than a gamepad...