

Just have those people look at the NINTENDO section of magazine selection, there are plenty of non BRO DUDE games on that shelf......

I'm going out on here but I don't think you understand the male mind. being a bad ass girl would only be amplified in some instances by dressing sexy as it would totally blow the guys off guard. Also, the less gear you have on, including clothes, the much more agile you are in every aspect. Step into a man's shoes

+ gold coin

Needs More Rhino

This is exactly why people should have had to have a license to own and operate computers in their home. because of the mass of unintelligent/informed/wanting to learn users out there we have tons of bot nets and loads of identity theft. The bottom line is MOST home computer users barely touch the number of things

*throws money at screen for pulsefire ezreal*

Hey don't mention that you can buy ALL of the characters with in game IP that you earn by playing for FREE after every match. Lets make the game out to be a monster... The skins are the only thing that really need to be bought with RP (real money) and give no advantage what so ever, purely cosmetic.

While I agree with just about everything you said, I think X1 and X3 are better than X2, but not by much.

SWEET! Now Wii-Ware just needs Mega Man X3 and it completes the best of the X's.

I also love modifying my old PSP from time to time as well as a plethora of old devices I have, the problem I see is that the Apple vs Android debate has evolved into something that it was never intentionally designed for.

Yes, thats mainly referring to iOS

I have just about every other computer, etc tweaked to max at my house. My iPod/iPads/Soon to be iPhone? I will never jailbreak them. I see the issues the same as you do. WHY do all of the people who blindly side with android NEED all of the customization? I am a huge IT person and I've never had to think about

Agreed. I am the same way.

I'll join you guys and settle in, got any Snow Caps?....

don't you mean, *jazz*

I has the FoC Prime and Shockwave figures preordered ^_^

Needs Moar Fortress Maximus....


If E3 were in a European country would the women there be complaining? No Serisouly I have to ask. Because the US is so inconsistent about how it views women and sex i give up.