
Repurposing old hardware also has its own value, even if it’s just sealing a bunch of them in acrylic. You can’t preserve everything that ever gets made, and you shouldn’t want to, either. The Game Boy itself is well preserved as a platform and there’s no shortage of different ways you can still experience it.

Reproduction carts are a thing, although there’s some irony playing a remade cart on original hardware I suppose.

Game Boy Colors aren’t exactly rare, as far as the state of things that are no longer being made goes. I’m sure there are plenty of GBCs that have undergone worse fates than these.

Something cool about the Switch is that often when a game has been localized for another region, it’s possible to play the game in that language by having a profile set to that region. So for example, I’ve got a bunch of Japanese carts, all but one of which works in English when I play it on my American profile.

I’ve got a little idea of what that’s like.

Streaming an MMO sounds perfectly miserable, if we’re being honest. like one of the worst sets of conditions you could set up for a streaming game, really.

Assuming Nintendo wanted to allow that kind of thing or that Square was interested in having their game run as a streaming only option on a given platform. Also assumes the Switch’s wireless capabilities are up to the task, which isn’t a given. Seems a poor way to present a game if it’s the only option to have it

Needing a 128 GB memory card to even fit the game (do those even work in the Switch?)

They were the same generation, the PS2 just lasted longer. In any case, they stopped running games off discs afterwards and they’ve generally installed themselves to run off hard drives or flash media ever since.

My experience with 5 was me seeing the mountain shaped like the cult leader, immediately beelining towards it once the story let me, then destroying it.

I don’t even know why they bother maintaining the present day bits of the AC series. Just make cool historical games without them. It’s not as if the games use the conceit well at this point, it’s mostly just inoffensive and out of the way at best.

I picked up Valhalla recently and it’s been slow for me too. I liked Odyssey but man I’m not a fan of these gigantic install sizes. I’ve taken to offloading my unplayed games onto a large mechanical hard drive so I don’t have to waste my data cap redownloading them lately, but it’d be another 130GB to try Odyssey

I’m really happy with my red PS5 controller. It’s comfortable and yeah, the color is really nice. One day I might even have a PS5 to join with it. But it’s a nice PC controller in the mean time.

Tradition isn’t really an excuse to make your opening boring. If you can’t find a way to make it an interesting level with a particular setup it bears examining why you’re opening your game that way.

You’re not hiding your shark by putting corridor levels at the start of your FPS.

You seem really insistent that people like this Halo. It’s OK if some don’t, right?

The “it’s only an hour of slogging through linear corridors” defense from Halo diehards is pretty hilarious. It’s OK if this particular reviewer didn’t care for it, and trying to correct him by arguing he played it wrong isn’t fixing the main problem he had with it.

You can get a bluetooth dongle for the Switch and use other system’s controllers with it. And pretty much everything works on PC in some form or another.

Except that SMT doesn’t want to be Persona.

I suspect in Japan people get that they’re all related to the SMT series and it’s not a big deal at all.