
I suspect the high school setting has a lot to do with it. Or there’s just some hipster sentimentality about the relative obscurity the series had before Persona became so popular with 3 onward.

The problem with the whole statement of “It’s Persona but without the heart” is that it just means NOTHING

Still don’t even have themes or a better way to organize games than their sort by last used system. Really going light on the front end improvements.

Way to completely miss the point of a durability test. He’s not crushing it under a streamroller, he’s showing how easy it it scratches.

Javik isn’t integral to the story. If anything, he’s almost needless fan service; a character that exists almost entirely to reveal what the mysterious progenitor race was like just because. It’s perfectly OK to have purposeful mysteries in your world building process.

enter blockchain and NFTs and now the album you bought is there forever available at any time on a decentralised network that essentially cant go down and doesnt need any expensive servers etc, that means that streaming services can integrate it too, eg if an artist/album you own isnt on their service but youve

Socialism doesn’t mean being poor or having to give away all your money.

The cabbit part is obvious. It’s a cat and a rabbit combined. I’d argue Colin is more interesting. The s on Spacetwinks suggests that Colin is not just one but several Spacetwinks. Or that it’s just a weird last name. I like the idea he’s just a legion of spacetwinks though.

The number of people defending the layout because they used the middle prong is baffling. At best, it was an intermediary development, a shift from the away from purely d-pad focused controllers towards a mix of d-pad and analogue. But it’s obvious there was massive room for improvement, given no one (outside of maybe

Are you really comparing a plot reveal in a narrative driven TV show to the product line of a video game company?

The simplest way to create a tattoo mod in almost any 3D game is to just replace the base texture with the tattoo drawn on top of it. If the game supports texture overlays and perhaps has some blending options then you can get better results with more customization, but that’s certainly not a given even with video

There’s not a lot of doubt that he can do either a perfect Pac-Man game or score well in Donkey Kong, but whether he did them when he said he did. Scores have improved significantly since then that the feat done now isn’t nearly as impressive as it was when he claimed to have done it.

Bioshock would have been a more interesting game if they’d done what Levine wanted to and made doing the morally right thing harder (where you’d be forgoing Adam by saving the little girls rather than harvest them), rather than roughly equivalent. Apparently the publisher didn’t think that players would try to save

A lot of that world building was the cartoons that spun off from them more than just the prequels themselves. Stuff like Clone Troopers are a plot device in the movies, they’re actual characters in the cartoons.

I feel a bit strange being blamed over Blue’s Clues sentimentality, as someone born firmly in the millennial generation. I was eighteen when Steve left the show in 2002. If you were six when he left, you’d have been borne the year the show started, in 1996, which is about where millennials end and zoomers begin.

Can only imagine how lucrative the work to payoff ratio must be for online to basically not bother with any single player content at all anymore while also dragging the same game across three generations of consoles.

He’s got a certain kind of earnest and wholesomeness I really appreciate. A lot of the context of his humor though relies a sort of shared memory that if you have to explain to someone it probably isn’t going to be funny.

Clinton wouldn’t have won those voters over even if Sanders had never run. The diehard Clinton supporters never seem to recognize that voters aren’t cows, traded over to the eventual primary winner regardless of how they feel about things.

If Bob Ross was alive today people would try and cancel him because afros are cultural appropriation. Just sayin’

The Valve/Steam relationship has often come across as weird. Like it’s a collection of game developers who happen to control the largest PC storefront in the world. You get the impression that they don’t particularly want to work on Steam a lot of the time, and when they do it’s largely to automate or offload the work